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St. Mary Parish
A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet
Our mission Statement:
To be led and to lead others into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Mass Schedule
Sun: 8:00am | 10:00am |
12 Noon (Spanish)
Mon-Sat: 8:00am
Vigil, Saturday: 4:00pm

The Sacrament of the Sick can be received at any stage of a serious illness. The Sacrament can also be received if you are going to a hospital, especially for surgery.
This Sacrament is intended to bless the sick, and benefit the living, as well as prepare the faithful for their journey home to the Lord. To receive the Sacrament of the Sick, in emergency and non-emergency situations, please contact the Parish Office at 630-552-3448 or email at
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