St. Mary Parish
A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet
Our mission Statement:
To be led and to lead others into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Mass Schedule
Sun: 8:00am | 10:00am |
12 Noon (Spanish)
Mon-Sat: 8:00am
Vigil, Saturday: 4:00pm
Faith Formation
Faith Formation registration for the
2024-2025 school year is
Our Parish uses FlockNote for communications with our parishioners. You will receive notices from St Mary via FlockNote because we enter your information to provide means for last minute information; such as meeting changes, updates and reminders. Your information is secure. You will not receive any third party messages nor will your information be shared with other parties including the Diocese.
Nuestra Parroquia utiliza FlockNote para comunicarnos con nuestros feligreses. Usted recibirá noticias de St Mary vía FlockNote porque nosotros agregamos su información para informarle sobre cambios de último momento; como puede ser cambio en reuniones, actualizaciones y recordatorios. Su información está segura. Usted no recibirá otro tipo de mensajes y su información no se comparte con ninguna compañia, ni con la Diocesis.