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Food Delivery

Food Pantry

St. Mary, the Kendall County Community Food Pantry and the First Lutheran Church, form a dynamic relationship in order to create a Food Pantry Satellite operating at First Lutheran Church, 200 N Center St.


St. Mary is responsible for coordinating volunteers for the ministry, while KCCFP provides the food, resources, and administrative aspects, and First Lutheran Church provides the location.


Food pantry ministry is held monthly EVERY THIRD FRIDAY from 6:00-7:30PM.


Food is distributed first-come, first served while supplies last. Arrive early to ensure your spot in line. If possible, please bring your FPKC card, it is not a requirement but it would be helpful.

Si necesitas comida, puedes venir. Si te es posible, favor de traer tu tarjeta de FPKC. No es un requisito pero nos ayudaria a agilizar el proceso.


For more information or for questions, please call: Elia Rubio at 630-809-6841 (

or go to

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Upcoming Food Pantries

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Food Pantry October 2024.png
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