St. Mary Parish
A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet
Our mission Statement:
To be led and to lead others into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Mass Schedule
Sun: 8:00am | 10:00am |
12 Noon (Spanish)
Mon-Sat: 8:00am
Vigil, Saturday: 4:00pm

Under Mary's Mantle
Grief Support Group
The St. Mary Grief Group provides an opportunity for those who have lost a loved one to come together in faith and support.
We are stronger together and as a community, we can help support others through grief which helps us process our own grief.
Under Mary’s Mantle is St. Mary’s Parish Grief Support Group. We will walk with you on your journey from grief to healing for those who are coping with the loss of a loved one to death. The loss may have been this year or in the past.
Accepting the Loss
Experience the Pain of Grief
Adjusting to the Loss
Adjusting to the New Environment
To continue Your Journey
Each session will lead into the next session, so you are encouraged to attend all five sessions.
Place: St Mary’s School
Use the double door entrance
There is no registration or fee
Please contact us for information.
Kathy Robbins: 815-970-4109
Marianne Gustafson: 630-888-9611
Please see church bulletin for specific dates when this group meets.
Bajo el Manto de María es un Grupo de Apoyo para el Duelo. Le acompañamos durante su proceso desde el duelo hasta la sanación para aquellos que enfrentan la pérdida de un ser querido por muerte. La pérdida puede haber sido este año o en el pasado.
Aceptando la Pérdida
Experimentando el dolor del duelo
Adaptandose a la pérdida
Adaptandose al nuevo entorno
para continuar Tu Camino
Cada sesión conducirá a la siguiente, por lo que le recomendamos que asista a las cinco sesiones.
Lugar: St Mary’s School
Utilice la entrada trasera
No hay inscripción ni pago.
Por favor llámenos para más información
María Vana: 630-405-8970
Silvia Salas: 630-878-8860
Por favor consulte el boletín de la iglesia para conocer las fechas específicas en las que este grupo se reúne.