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Steubenville Youth Conference



Throughout the Bible, the Lord tells us over and over again, “Be not afraid,” and he continues to speak these words to us today. Join hundreds of Catholic teens to experience the peace of Jesus Christ, who is always faithful and will never abandon us.


All current 8th - 12th grade students are invited to attend this retreat with our group.

Note: you are not fully registered until registration and deposit are completed. 

The cost to attend this Youth conference per person is $505. 

We are hoping to raise $22,000 to ensure 42 high schoolers have the opportunity to attend this life-changing experience. Will you consider partnering to help us make this possible because none of them deserves to be left behind.

Pink Background


"This conference was a big game-changer for me, for my whole life - everything, really.  My Mom signed me up without me knowing, and then dropped me off as the bus was leaving.  I was so mad at her.  The last thing I wanted to do was to go on some 'religious retreat'.  48 hours later, after coming home off the bus after the Conference, there was nothing I could've done for or said to my Mom to express how grateful I was for having gone on this trip.  I know Jesus Christ now, I know His love for me,  I know how much I'm worth to Him.  I honestly can't wait to go back next year." - Youth Conference Participant

"The Steubenville Conferences changed my heart. I realized the importance of growing in my relationship with God, on my own time, through prayer.  That is what gives us the strength to share our love of God with others." - Youth Conference Participant 

"The Conference allowed me to  experience Christ for the first time.  Throughout the weekend I experienced Him, and all the love and grace He has for me and for everyone else.  Because of the conference I have become more devoted to Christ and fallen deeper in love with my faith."-Youth Conference Participant

Great music, speakers, dancing, FUN!

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