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Because God first gave to us, we willingly and joyfully give back to him. (There's a reason why Jesus says, "It is more blessed to give than to receive.")

The Christian steward is one who receives God’s gifts gratefully, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner, shares them in justice and love with others, and returns them with increase to the Lord.


Stewardship involves all of life

Stewardship involves all of life – body, mind and spirit, our material possessions, friendships, etc. All we are and have is a gift from our Creator for us to use wisely to build up God’s kingdom here on earth.

Living a Life of Stewardship


A Season for Stewardship

Each year we enter a time of discernment and faithful prayer about what it means to be stewards of God’s gifts. The Stewardship Committee has worked diligently to provide meaningful ways to engage with the process, including gatherings, announcements, brochures, videos, and even this site. As we walk together through this season, may we all be attentive to God’s call.

You can fill out your commitment card online here!


Look for a brochure in your mailbox from Father!


Make your

Commitment Now!

Forget the checkbook and make tithing simple for you and your family. With Online Giving, you can give back to St Mary whenever and wherever with the simple click of a button from your computer or smart device.

Olvídese de la chequera y simplifique el pago del diezmo para usted y su familia. Con Online Giving, puede contribuir a St Mary cuando y donde quiera con solo hacer clic en un botón desde su computadora o dispositivo inteligente.


More Testimonies from past years

Hope, Faith and Healing

Hope, Faith and Healing


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(630) 552-3448


901 N Center St, Plano IL 60545

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